The basic biodiversity analysis package that is anything but basic...
This package includes a comprehensive biodiversity analysis across the entire property, reading and analysing complex vegetation mapping. Our biodiversity risk rating is a proprietary analysis of detected biodiversity subject to compliance obligations and its severity under the law.
You'll get a productivity rating of cleared, improved or exempt land not subject to regulations.
An analysis of water courses throughout the property will assist in identifying potential sites for building dams and water storage across your property.
We'll also assess the bushfire history of the property, mapping the extent and severity across all impacted areas of the property.
This biodiversity report is ideal for those doing due diligence on potential rural properties when looking to purchase if you want to uncover information beyond your local council or real estate agent's area of expertise (or perhaps discover the things they don't want you to know). It's also a great starting point for your own property when looking to further develop opportunities on your land.
Biodiversity property reports are delivered to your inbox within 1-2 business days after verifying the requested address.